
Telstone IOP

Located in West Palm Beach, Florida, OCD Specialists is a boutique behavioral health facility that provides specialized treatment for those suffering from Substance Use Disorders (SUD) and other mental health issues. Our experienced team includes dedicated professionals with extensive expertise in treating Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). We provide cutting-edge evidence-based strategies to help our clients achieve long-term recovery.
Call Telstone IOP
Connect with Telstone IOP by calling their admissions team directly.

About Telstone IOP

Insurance Accepted

Provider’s Policy:Telstone IOP will contact your insurance provider to learn more about your benefits and how you are covered. Their Treatment Advisors will share all your insurance benefit information with you in simple language so you can understand exactly what your coverage includes.

Center Overview

Women Men and Women Young Adults Adolescents
1401 Forum Way #300, West Palm Beach, FL 33401, USA

Connect with

Telstone IOP

by calling their admissions team directly or clicking the button to visit their website to learn more.


Intensive Outpatient Program  Outpatient Program  Day Treatment  Alcohol  Drug Addiction  Substance Abuse  Treatment Programs
Treatment Services
Sober Living


Connect with

Telstone IOP

by calling their admissions team directly or clicking the button to visit their website to learn more.