
Best Rehabs that Provide Treatment for 1-on-1 Counseling

As an independent resource, we list each center that matches our luxury criteria, so those looking for the best 1-on-1 Counseling treatment have a comprehensive list of options.


1-on-1 Counseling Rehabs

Hazelden Betty Ford Bellevue

1-on-1 Counseling  Alcohol  Drug Addiction  Substance Abuse  Co-Occurring Disorders  Family Involvement  Therapy Options
In the vicinity of downtown Seattle, they offer outpatient services, mental health care, and family healing both in-person and virtually. ...More


1-on-1 Counseling  Alcohol  Substance Abuse  Therapy Options
CAIS is a charitable organization that provides a range of personal support services to people in Wales, making it a major player in the country's voluntary sector. ...More

Eating Disorder Solutions

1-on-1 Counseling  Co-Occurring Disorders  Eating Disorders  Therapy Options
A judgment-free program for healing from eating disorders, surrounded by the beauty of nature, that offers a holistic approach to recovery. ...More

Discovery Mood Fairfield

1-on-1 Counseling  Residential  Adolescents  Treatment Programs  Therapy Options
We provide evidence-based and trauma-informed care to adolescents seeking residential treatment for anxiety and mood disorders. ...More

Discovery Mood and Anxiety Austin

1-on-1 Counseling  Anxiety  Adolescents  Therapy Options
We offer evidence-based and trauma-informed therapy services for individuals aged 11 and above who are struggling with anxiety and mood disorders. ...More

Discovery Mood Dade City

1-on-1 Counseling  Residential  Adolescents  Treatment Programs  Therapy Options
We provide evidence-based and trauma-informed therapies to adolescents in residential treatment programs for anxiety and mood disorders. ...More

Foundry Treatment Center

1-on-1 Counseling  Family Therapy  Gender-Specific  Alcohol  Drug Addiction  Substance Abuse  Trauma  Post Traumatic Stress Disorder  Therapy Options
At our residential treatment center, we specialize in providing trauma-informed care for men only. Our program combines recreational therapy with 12-Step philosophy to create a comprehensive approach to healing from trauma. ...More

Eleanor Health Asheville

1-on-1 Counseling  Therapy Options
We provide individual counseling for those struggling with substance and mental health issues, both on an outpatient basis and virtually. ...More

JourneyPure Knoxville

1-on-1 Counseling  Intensive Outpatient Program  Treatment Programs  Therapy Options
Our mission is to empower individuals to reach their fullest potential through evidence-based therapeutic interventions that lead to lasting healing and personal growth. ...More

Noosa Confidential

1-on-1 Counseling  Evidence-Based  Intensive Inpatient  Individual Treatment  Personalized Treatment  Alcohol  Substance Abuse  Eating Disorders  Treatment Programs  Therapy Options
Delivering specialized 1-on-1 medical care for addiction, mental health and eating disorders. ...More
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Featured Treatment Centers​

Unlocking Healing Through 1-on-1 Therapy

Personalized Attention

Understanding the significance of personalized attention and care in the healing process is crucial. In this context, we’ll highlight the imperative role of 1-on-1 therapy for addiction treatment and mental health.

Importance of Individualized Therapy

1-on-1 therapy offers an unparalleled level of personalized attention and privacy, providing the client with a unique platform to explore and address their issues.

Scope of Article

We will delve into the exclusive benefits, process, and success stories of individual therapy for addiction and mental health.

Individual Therapy for Addiction

Unique Benefits

Individual therapy for addiction provides a safe, confidential space where clients can express their struggles without fear of judgment, exploring the root causes of their addiction.

Success Stories

Many have found solace and recovery through individual therapy, reclaiming control over their lives and effectively breaking free from the chains of addiction.

The Process of Addiction Therapy

Individual addiction therapy often encompasses various approaches, including cognitive-behavioral therapy and motivational enhancement therapy, tailored to meet the specific needs of each client.

1-on-1 Therapy for Mental Health

Why It’s Effective

1-on-1 mental health therapy provides a client-centered approach, where therapists can directly address the individual’s unique mental health challenges and needs.

Addressing Various Disorders

From depression and anxiety to PTSD and bipolar disorder, individual therapy proves effective in managing and treating a wide array of mental health disorders.

Personalized Approach

Through personalized strategies and interventions, therapists can guide clients on their journey towards mental wellness and stability.

Choosing Between Group and Individual Therapy

Individual Therapy

While group therapy offers a sense of community, individual therapy provides a deeper, more personalized experience tailored to the client’s unique needs and goals.

Group Therapy

Group therapy offers support and understanding from peers going through similar experiences, although it might not offer the same level of personalized care as individual therapy.

Ensuring Privacy and Confidentiality

1-on-1 therapy guarantees privacy and confidentiality, creating a secure environment where clients can open up and explore their issues without fear.

Experienced Therapists Matter

The success of individual therapy significantly depends on the expertise and experience of the therapist involved, emphasizing the importance of seeking qualified professionals.

How to Get Started


Beginning with a comprehensive evaluation, therapists can accurately diagnose and understand the client’s specific needs and challenges.

Developing a Plan

Based on the evaluation, therapists develop a personalized treatment plan aimed at addressing the client’s unique challenges and promoting healing and recovery.

1-on-1 therapy for addiction treatment and mental health offers a lifeline for many seeking personalized, confidential care. With experienced therapists and a client-centered approach, individual therapy provides a beacon of hope and healing for countless individuals struggling with addiction and mental health issues.


How does 1-on-1 therapy promote privacy?

1-on-1 therapy sessions are conducted in a confidential setting, ensuring that clients can express themselves freely.

Can I switch therapists if necessary?

Absolutely, the primary aim of therapy is your comfort and progress. If a change is needed, arrangements can be made.

How long does individual therapy usually last?

The duration of therapy varies significantly from one individual to another, depending on their specific needs and progress.

What disorders can 1-on-1 therapy address?

Individual therapy can address a wide range of disorders, including addiction, depression, anxiety, PTSD, and many others.

Is online 1-on-1 therapy effective?

Yes, online individual therapy has proven to be an effective and accessible option for many clients.