
Top Alcohol and Drug Rehabs in Delray Beach

It’s Time for Rehab has compiled an unbiased list of the best Delray Beach rehabs to treat alcohol and drug addiction, mental health disorders, or dual diagnosis. Scroll down to find the center that’s right for you.


 Delray Beach Rehabs

Aloha Detox

Opioids  Alcohol  Drug Addiction  Substance Abuse  Co-Occurring Disorders  Therapy Options
At Aloha Detox, we provide personalized, holistic treatment plans to aid individuals through their recovery journey. Our full continuum of care ensures that each person receives the support they need at every stage of healing. ...More

Florida Recovery Group

Intensive Outpatient Program  Outpatient Program  Sober Living  Day Treatment  Treatment Programs
Just minutes away from the beach, there is a mental health treatment center and comprehensive outpatient addiction treatment center, offering sober living facilities for both men and women. ...More

Guardian Intensive Outpatient Program – Delray

Intensive Outpatient Program  Alcohol  Drug Addiction  Substance Abuse  Gender-specific groups  Treatment Programs
At our cozy outpatient center, we provide age and gender-specific treatment to meet the individual recovery needs of our clients. ...More

Palm Partners Recovery Center

Alcohol  Drug Addiction  Substance Abuse  Trauma  Stress  Chronic Pain Management
Palm Partners provides specialized treatment programs for individuals struggling with dual diagnosis, trauma, chronic pain, and executive burnout. Our experienced team of professionals is dedicated to helping people achieve and maintain long-term recovery and wellness. ...More

RECO Intensive

Alcohol  Substance Abuse  Co-Occurring Disorders
At RECO Intensive, we provide specialized treatment for alcohol and drug addiction, as well as an active recovery community in gender-specific housing located in a luxurious setting. ...More

The Beachcomber Recovery

Family Therapy  Holistic  Alcohol  Drug Addiction  Substance Abuse  Co-Occurring Disorders  Treatment Programs  Therapy Options
A beachside rehabilitation center offering personalized attention and alternative healing approaches is just a few steps away. ...More

Transformations Treatment Center

First Responders Program  Faith Based Treatment  Alcohol  Drug Addiction  Substance Abuse  Co-Occurring Disorders  Post Traumatic Stress Disorder  Treatment Programs
Transformations provides outpatient services, inpatient programs, and specialized treatment programs tailored to first responders, veterans, faith-based communities, and other populations. ...More

Delray Center for Healing

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation  Wellness  Outpatient Program  Treatment Programs  Therapy Options
The Outpatient Mental Health Clinic offers specialized programs to assist those with addiction, eating disorders, and other psychiatric disorders. ...More

Recovery Team Delray Beach

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation  Gambling  Therapy Options
We provide tailored recovery programs and evidence-based treatment for adults with substance use disorders and accompanying mental health issues. ...More

Olympus Recovery

Alcohol  Drug Addiction  Substance Abuse  Trauma  Co-Occurring Disorders
At our rehabilitation center, we offer individualized, evidence-based outpatient programming, combined with on-site apartment-style living. Our treatments for addiction focus on experiential therapy to help individuals build the skills they need to maintain sobriety in the long-term. ...More

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